Four Types of Coworking Spaces

If there is one thing that sets coworking spaces from traditional offices, that would be flexibility. These modern workplaces are designed for the changing and diverse needs of people when it comes to their working environment. If you want to rent a coworking space in Hong Kong, for instance, you will find spaces with flexible terms and price range, customizable buildouts, along with a long list of amenities. 

Coworking spaces come in different types based on the environment they offer and the type of users they cater to. Here are four of the most common coworking space types.

Open coworking space

Open coworking spaces are basically the conventional form of coworking environment. These spaces are not focused on a particular type of organization or professional, but rather offer an open working environment where people from different companies can collaborate. They typically have an active vibe.

High-end coworking space

High-end coworking spaces offer better and wider range of amenities than typical flex spaces. Other than being full-serviced facilities, they also offer extra membership benefits. Some of them offer free food and drinks to members while others even have a commercial kitchen. They’re like a coworking space with added comfort and luxury.

Corporate coworking space

Corporate coworking spaces are designed for the more corporate or professional kind of users. They do not have the exact same luxuries offered by a high-end space, but they offer a more private and professional environment for people who are more “into their business.” Such places are typically quieter, with dimmer lights and less open office configurations.

Venture/Accelerated coworking space

These coworking spaces typically targets startups and accelerators. The environment is designed to provide a laid back, yet dynamic and energetic environment where people can collaborate. They are more casual and typically less expensive than other coworking spaces.

Coworking spaces are rapidly evolving to respond to the changing needs of professionals and businesses. No wonder this trend has remained relevant in the corporate world for the past several years and for sure, it will continue to attract more people and businesses in the years to come.